Intergroups at the European Parliament

Intergroups are a forum for informal exchanges of views on specific issues across different political groups, and for contact between Members and civil society. Each is composed of Members from at least three different political groups.

Intergroups are not official Parliament bodies, but are recognised by Parliament. They are established by agreement between the chairs of the political groups at the beginning of each legislative term.

Regulation of intergroups

Intergroups are regulated by Rule 35 of the Rules of Procedure and other internal rules.

In the interests of transparency, only interest representatives on the Transparency Register may participate in intergroup activities organised in Parliament (attending, supporting or co-hosting meetings or events). Furthermore, each intergroup must publish an annual declaration of financial interests, covering all support received in cash or in kind (financial, staffing and material support).

Furthermore, intergroups are forbidden from:

  • using Parliament or political group names or logos;

  • expressing an opinion on behalf of Parliament;

  • carrying out activities which might result in confusion with the official activities of Parliament or of its bodies;

  • carrying out activities which might have a negative impact on relations with EU institutions or third countries; and

  • holding events in third countries that coincide with a mission of an official Parliament body, including election observation.

The Quaestors are responsible for supervising intergroups.